Ask Yourself this…
Practice #1 in our Womenkind Wellness Blog, Habits of Happiness series.
The wellness industry wants us to believe that there’s no gain without pain. Countless media messages focus on the goal of perfection, rather than the journey of well-being. Wellness With Ease and the gentle journey of making small daily changes towards lifetime happiness is the core of our Womenkind Wellness philosophy. Here is a quick daily practice I discovered from James Clear in his book Atomic Habits. May these simple steps bring you more happiness.
1. Decide the type of person you want to be
2. Prove it to yourself with small wins
Start by practicing this one daily Habit of Happiness whenever you’re faced with choices that impact your wellness. Think about the woman you want to become and start to clearly identify yourself as being her today. What would she do, believe, think, say to herself, or choose?
Ask yourself, “What would a <insert your desired identity> do”?
For example, if you see yourself as a woman who is living a healthy and fulfilling life, you might ask, “What would a healthy person do”?
Tap into your own beautiful wisdom and start making choices based on the woman you want to become. Notice each time you take this step throughout the day and celebrate the heck out of every little win that you have. Let the new Habits of Happiness begin!